Student Work Portfolio
Graduate Students
“Vector Field”, (2013) Conor Peterson (graduate student 2010-2013), Steel, aluminum, lasers, piano wire, electronics.
Vector Field is a large light and sound installation. Each of the five upright modules is equipped with several acoustic panels that produce a continuous, shimmering oscillation at harmonically related frequencies. The stands are connected by a chain of laser beams that form a perfect (invisible) pentagon in the air; if viewers break the laser, the installation temporarily shuts off for a period of time. The combined humming of the 20 acoustic resonators covers one octave of the C# minor scale. As viewers move throughout the space the various combination of notes can be heard more clearly.
Additionally, each pair of panels is modulated at low frequencies to vary the overall sound of the installation. Though gentle, the sculpture’s substantial audio presence is thrust into the forefront during an interrupt event; it takes several seconds for the resonance to die away, at which point there is nothing but silence in the space.
Four Player Teleport Loop (For Don Judd, Space Marine). (2014), Julianne Aguilar (grad student entered 2013)
The project consists of four networked Raspberry Pis running the original Quake video game. The Pis are programmed to start a multi-player game running a custom built map. The map consists of a single room with a teleporter in the floor. The players begin just below the ceiling, fall into the teleporter, and are sent back up to the ceiling. The architecture of the custom map is inspired by the aesthetics of Donald Judd’s sculptures and furniture.
Supercomputer Simulator (2012), Conor Peterson (graduate student), Steel, electronics, LEDs, instrument cart Dimensions: 44 x 15 x 17″
Supercomputer Simulator takes the form of a computer equipped with a low-resolution monitor fashioned after a Lite Brite. The simulator perpetually shows a simple 3D geometric form, a reference to early Cray supercomputers, but otherwise offers no input or output. The animation is generated in real time and the speed of rotation varies periodically. While in motion the 3D form is relatively easy to apprehend but during the slowest part of its cycle the scene degrades into a gridlock of flickering pixels.
Vanguard I (2014), Adrian Pijoan (current graduate student)
Vanguard I is the name of the oldest man made satellite still in Earth orbit. It was launched on March 17, 1958 and last contacted in May, 1964. Presumably it continues to collect information and try to contact us. This project, named after Vanguard I, is a 2’ x 2’ x 2’ hermetic growth chamber for a single houseplant. Its water and sunlight are regulated by a microcontroller which also checks to see if the plant is alive up to 1,000 times a second and returns one of two binary statements: “I’M OKAY” or “I’M NOT OKAY”
- “Condition_windy” (2012), Mitchell Marti, dimensions variable, printed animation still from a generative data algorithm that distorted a drawing made of GPS points recorded on a walk using current weather data. Mitchell was an Electronic Arts graduate student in 2009-2012
International Collaborative Art Program
- “Very Large Array data visualizations” (2013), Kevin Bott and Sheldon Bess, digital stills displayed on VROOM wall at Qualcomm Institute, UC SAN Diego
- “Very Large Array data visualizations” (2013), Kevin Bott and Sheldon Bess, digital stills displayed on VROOM wall at Qualcomm Institute, UC SAN Diego
- “Untitled” (2013), by Kevin Bott, datamoshed LIDAR scans rendered digitally , dimensions variable
- “Untitled” (2013), by Kevin Bott , datamoshed LIDAR scans rendered digitally , dimensions variable
“Transmission through Time” (2013), Liz Shores and Sheldon Bess, Computer running Max MSP and an FM transmitter.
This audio piece delayed the sounds input and changed the speed of playback based on volume. The sounds created were broadcast to another room, while a visual meter displayed how much of the present sound was being mixed with sounds from the past.
- “Very Large Array” (2013), by Ryan Davis, handmade lenticular stereographic and panoramic prints, install view
Transmission Art
“efmera”(2011), Vincent Narducci, Astara Mills, Jamie Porter Lara, Conor Peterson, computer algorithm and FM transmitter,
Students in my “Transmission Arts” class joined NPR for a one night performance event at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles broadcasting sonic compositions generated by interpreting geo-located twitter messages. The resulting generative composition was broadcast to musuem visitors on 101.5 FM.
“NS73 transmitter” (2011), Conor Peterson.
Electronic Arts graduate student Conor Peterson developed this transmitter using a SparkFun breakout board for the efmera broadcast at MOCA.
“Poster for Micro-Sonic” (2013), Akilah Martinez,
This poster was designed to promote a show by students in my “Transmission Arts” class at the UNM Centennial Engineering Library.
“Aliens” (2013), Anna Gillette, radio transmitter featuring speculations about the various ways we might find extra terrestrial life embedded in painted book.
Anna Gillette found Aeronautics Journals regarding spaceflight and placed a glowing book inscribed to look like the Voyager disc among the journals. Her radio broadcast featured her speculations about the various ways we might find extra terrestrial life.
“Old Language, New Territory” (2013), Akilah Martinez, radio transmitter installed in UNM’s Centennial Engineering Library’s Map room, mounted on a native doll riding a toy ink pony.
The radio broadcast featured an interview between Akilah and her Dine speaking grandfather.
“Old Language, New Territory” (2013), Akilah Martinez,, radio transmitter installed in UNM’s Centennial Engineering Library’s Map room, mounted on a native doll riding a toy ink pony.
The radio broadcast featured an interview between Akilah and her Dine speaking grandfather.
Intermediate Electronic Art
“Rosetta Mission”, Processing Sketch and Arduino based controller (2014).
A maze game where you pilot the Philae lander through space until it finds the G67P comet.
“Mantis Mania” Processing sketch interfaced with an Xbox controller (2014).
A platform shooter where a Mantis fires bullets, missiles and bombs down on hapless ants.
“Kitty Curiosity”, Processing Sketch with Arduino based controller (2014),
Using a ball of yarn with buttons woven into it, you navigate a cat through a field of news, avoiding the Bill O’Reilly black hole.